Sun stands for power and authority. The worshipper of Lord Sun gets victory over opponents, diseases and bestows wealth, good-health and long life. Sun is the source of life and is therefore described as the life-giver - PRANADHATA. Its is made in crystal (etched form) locket. Quartz (crystal) is a natural gemstone and has power to retain the energy of mantra chanting. Crystals harmonise the aura around us and removes the negative energy.
The clear quartz crystal , also known as mountain crystal or rock crystal, is one of the most sacred stones of the ancient and present cultures. It is the essence of rock the highest expression the mineral kingdom. It is found in mountains and rocks. It is sometimes more clear and transparent than water. It represents our struggle for clarity. The bottom of the crystal is usually dense and opaque. As it grows through countless struggle, it gets clearer and clearer. We, too strive to achieve clarity of purpose and of being, after our various struggles.
Size of pendant is 1 cm (approx.) , Made in pure Sphatik (crystal) and its encased in White metal.
Note : All Above mentioned Descriptions are according to Indian & Chinese Mythology or as per Metaphysical properties of Crystal stones. Seller takes no Responsibility whatsoever for any claim made in the Descriptions. Please don't stop your regular medical treatment. Please use these products as Alternative therapy only.
All items sold as religious curio only.